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Structured Settlements – the Easiest way to Settle Large Financial Claims

If you are representing a Company or a business establishment and find your company in a situation where it has to pay a large cash settlement to the staff or some other people, then Structured Settlement is perhaps the best and easiest way forward. In fact, if you play your cards right, you can also save your company a lot of money by way of expenses. Here's how:
If your company has to fork out say $300,000, instead of paying all that in one llump sum structured settlement, your company could instead, buy an Annuity plan from an Insurance company legally known as "Assignment Company". If the recipient agrees to long-term structured cash settlement, then your structured settlement company might have to actually pay only say $275,000 to the assignment company which will invest that sum and pay out small sums each month or as per agreed terms. The total payout will be $300,000 and the difference of $25,000 will be met by the income from the investments of the initial deposit of $275,000. The paying company rids itself of the headache of having to administer the cash for structured settlement payments over an extended period of time, the recipient is assured or regular income at regular periods, the insurance or Assignment Company receives a large sum which it can invest and make good profits. All three parties to the structured settlement benefit.
The recipient of the structured settlement for cash benefits because instead of receiving one large lump sum which would probably be squandered on a holiday or some luxury goods, he or she receives small but significant amounts periodically. The clock-work payment in cash structured settlement enables the recipients to pre-plan their investment or expenditure. It also ensures that the money is not wasted.
Sometimes, beneficiaries of such structured settlement might urgently need a large sum of money. This can happen in the event of medical emergencies, marriages etc. Since structured settlement cannot be changed once they are signed, the recipient can mortgage the structured settlement document and secure a structured settlement loan against it. The amount of loan will depend on the residual value of the structured settlement less service and commissions. As of today, there are a large number of such structured settlement buyers willing to issue loans against the documents. If you are looking for such structured settlement purchaser, it might be a good idea to shop around since the amounts they are willing to give as well as commissions and service charges might differ significantly.
A structured cash settlement can therefore be a very flexible instrument – one that benefits the paying company as well as the beneficiary of the settlement. As far as the company is concerned, it can either opt to administer the structured cash settlement itself, or invest the money with an Insurance company to buy a structured settlement annuity plan that will make the payouts to the beneficiary. If the company administers the structured cash settlement itself, then it has the distinct advantage of being able to differ the liability (because it does not have to pay the entire amount in one go). In either case it benefits. Whichever way we look at it, a structured settlement is a win-win situation for the beneficiary as well as the payer.

Structured Settlements - Get your Cash Now!

Sometimes when a plaintiff settles a case for a large sum of money, the defendant, the plaintiff's attorney, or a financial planner consulted in association with the settlement, will propose paying the settlement in installments over time rather than in a single lump sum. When a settlement is paid in this manner it is called a "structured settlement". Often the structured settlement will be created through the purchase of one or more annuities, which guarantee the future payments. 

A structured settlement can provide for payment in pretty much any schedule the parties choose. For example, the settlement may be paid in annual installments over a number of years, or it may be paid in periodic lump sums every few years.

Potential Disadvantages of Structured Settlements

Some people who enter into structured settlements feel trapped by the periodic payments. They may wish to purchase a new home, or other expensive item, yet be unable to muster the resources because they can't borrow against future payments under their settlement.

Some people will do better by accepting a lump sum settlement, and investing it themselves. Many standard investments will give a greater long-term return than the annuities used in structured settlements.

Selling a Structured Settlement

If you have a structured settlement, you may have been approached by a company interested in purchasing your settlement, or may be curious about selling your settlement in return for a lump sum buyout. About two thirds of states have enacted laws which restict the sale of structured settlements, and tax-free structured settlements are also subject to federal restrictions on their sale to a third party. Also, some insurance companies will not assign or transfer annuities to third parties, to discourage the sale of structured settlements. As a consequence, depending upon where you live and the terms of your annuities, it may not be possible for you to sell your settlement.

Keep in mind that companies which buy structured settlements intend to profit from their purchase, and sometimes their offers may seem quite low. You may benefit from approaching more than one company in relation to the sale of your settlement, to make sure that you obtain the highest payoff. You also want to be sure that the company which wants to buy your settlement is established, well-funded, and reputable - you don't want a fly-by-night outfit to obtain the rights to your annuities but to disappear or go bankrupt before paying you the buyout money. You may have to go to court to get a judge to approve the buyout. It is usually a good idea to consult with a lawyer before entering into an agreement to sell your settlement.

Special Considerations

Any person entering into a structured settlement should be on guard for potential exploitation in relation to the settlement:

Excessive Commissions - Annuities can be highly profitable for insurance companies, and they often carry very large commissions. It is important to ensure that the commissions charged in setting up a structured settlement don't consume an inappropriate percentage of its principal.

Overstated Value - Sometimes, after negotiating a particular settlement figure, the defense will overstate the value of a structured settlement. As a result the plaintiff, in accepting the settlement, in fact obtains a significantly lower dollar value than was agreed upon. Some defendants have nominally paid the full amount of the settlement, knowing that they would later obtain significant rebates from the annuity companies they used. Plaintiffs should consider compariing the fees and commissions charged for similar settlement packages by a variety of insurance companies, to make sure that they are in fact getting full value. A plaintiff may wish to make it a condition of the settlement that the defendant will actually pay the full value of the settlement in setting up the structured settlement, and that any rebates received by the defendant for annuities included in the settlement be payable to the plaintiff.

Self-Dealing - There have been cases where the plaintiff's lawyer is also in the insurance business, and sets up a structured settlement on behalf of a client without disclosing that the attorney is purchasing the annuities from his own business, or is pocketing a large commission on the annuities. Similarly, there have been situations where the plaintiff's attorney has referred the client to a particular financial planner to set up a structured settlement, without disclosing that the financial planner will be paying the attorney a referral fee in relation to the client's account. Make sure that you know what financial interest, if any, your lawyer has in relation to any financial services sold or recommended by the lawyer.

Life Expectancy - It is unfortunate, but many people who receive large personal injury or workers' compensation settlements will have a shortened life expectancy as a result of their injuries. It is important to consider life expectancy in association with any structured settlement, and to consider whether it is appropriate to enter into an annuity where payments will cease upon death. Sometimes it will make sense to insist upon an annuity that pays a minimum number of payments, or one that will pay a balance into the plaintiff's estate, such that the value of the settlement is not lost to an insurance company upon the plaintiff's untimely death.

Using Multiple Insurance Companies - For larger settlements, it often makes sense to purchase annuities for a structured settlement from several different companies, dividing the settlement between those companies. This can provide you with protection in the event that a company that issued annuities for your settlement package goes into bankruptcy - even in the event that one of the companies defaults in part or in full on your settlement payments, you would still receive full payment from the other companies.

Additional Resources


UK web hosting

Before you go about the process of creating a website, you need to make sure you know what your site will entail; who is going to want to access it and how and when it is going to be updated. These are just a few things you need to be aware of before you publish a website on the Internet. It is also important that you choose a suitable domain name for which people will be able to access your site under.

A domain name is a suitable name for a website which gives the user some idea as to what the site includes. For a professional website, it could be the name of the company running the site. For a more personal site, a memorable word or phrase might suffice, or perhaps a person's name. These can be registered with the popular suffixes of ‘.com', ‘' or ‘.net', depending on what your website is for. There are many other suffixes that can be chosen as well.

For a business that is looking to create a website, UK web hosting by EUKHost makes it quite easy to choose the sort of hosting that is needed, depending on the purpose of the website. However, it may be more difficult in the way of organising and putting together a website as many businesses have plenty of information they want to share with their customers. It is for this reason that many companies opt to have their website hosted on a dedicated server. They can also choose to have complete control over the management of the server, or choose to receive support from the hosting company.

Web hosting in the UK may not be free, but if you find a reliable hosting provider you will be able to purchase affordable services which will benefit you in the long run. Affordable UK web hosting from EUKHost is both reliable and value for money.


Domain Name Search

To be located and identify on the internet, you need to have a domain name. There are 3 levels of domain names. The 1st levels are of 2 types which will have a generic domain name such as net, org and com. The 2nd consist of the country code and the 3rd level is the name for the user. You can purchase domain names.

You can start a domain name search on the internet by typing the name you would like to purchase on the home page of the domain name search. You can purchase more than 1 top level domain name. You will need to remember that domain name and the date of expiry so that you are not late in renewing the same.
The Name Domain Name Should Be Register
Domain name registration is a must. If you fail to register the name at the right time you will lose out on the right domain name and will have to forgo the benefits that you could reap by registering a name. Selecting your right name is like selecting a great grand name. Rules for registration procedure are not many.
The first thing that you should note is that the name is the same as that of your business. This will help people who are in business connection with you to reach you even if they don't know your real name. You can search on the generators and search engines to select a most favorable and appropriate name.
Where to Register
Domain name registration can be done through service providers who are available on several websites. The terms and conditions, charges and the rules may differ a little from one service provider to the other. No doubt the charges will be reasonable. You should make sure that they provide you sufficient domain space needed for your business. Preferably go for a dynamic domain instead of a static one.

Once you have selected a domain name you will need to select the registrar with whom you intend to register the same. Carefully read the web hosting terms and conditions carefully for website registration. Take total control over the domain name after you have paid for the same and upload your web content as per your choice.

Domain Name Extensions
Selecting a domain name extension should not be a problem. The registrar with whom you register your domain name will provide you with a list of domain name extensions such as .biz, .pro, .info, .net, .name, .in, .uk, .edu, .us, .org, .com and many more. You can select the one which will be the most appropriate for your business.
For education or informative based website you can select from .biz, .info, .edu, For private website .name is more appropriate and those that end with 2 alphabets are country specific and follow spate set of rules and procedures. Once you have registered your domain name and the website registration is done you can upload the web content through internet technology on that virtual location.


Fast Cash Advance Payday Loans AU Available Inside Australia

It is a well known fact that fast cash advance payday loans in au Australia or in fact any type or kind of payday loan are the most expensive loans available in the loan lending industry. Therefore borrowers must make absolutely sure that they apply for these payday loans as the last resort and as the last option to obtain fast cash. Alternatives to fast cash advance payday loans do exist where one of those options is to borrow or draw the money from one's own credit card. Credit card companies charge a lot less interest for money withdrawn or borrowed from them. This option only exists, obviously, if people have the luxury of credit cards and have a sufficient credit card balance in order for them to use the money instead of applying for a payday loan.

Using credit card advances instead of fast cash advance payday loans in au Australia is not an ideal and cheap option but it is certainly much cheaper than paying back a payday loan for the same amount of money borrowed using a credit card advance. Other alternatives to fast cash advance payday loans and payday loans in general exists, such as asking one's employer for an advance on their monthly or weekly salary or wage respectively. People can also volunteer to work overtime to earn the cash required to pay their way out of the unexpected financial emergency that has befallen them. People have often also organised and conducted ‘garage sales' where the resultant money accumulated has been used to solve their sudden financial dilemma.

Another obvious alternative to fast cash advance payday loans in au Australia is selling something of value that one possesses to provide the quick cash that is needed immediately. People can also ask one of their family members, friends or work employees to lend them the money as well. All these alternatives are much cheaper than applying for, being granted and then having to pay back very expensive fast cash advance payday loans to respective lenders of these loans in Australia. Applying for fast cash advance payday loans or for any payday loan must be viewed as the last resort because the interest together with all the fees and charges added to these loans by lenders are the highest in the loan lending industry causing these loans to be the most expensive format of loan to apply for.


Best Wireless Cell Phone Plans

The best wireless cell phone plans are here and you can choose which of the mobile phone plans work best for you. You can choose from a host of many different plans as there is a plan for everyone.

If you have been thinking about, considering or contemplating the possibility of finding the best wireless cell phone plans then you will find it on this site. We offer the kind of plans that will save you money and the features that one would expect from the best wireless cell phone plans.

I have seen allot of wireless cell phone plans out there and nothing comes close to that of what you will find on this site. We provide great service, great quality and the features with the price that is unmatched by many.

I can go into a long story about the best wireless cell phone but I won't as you can check it yourself and decide if this is true. I can discuss the fact that you can get the best cell phone for less then you can for most, with great quality of service.

The best wireless cell phone can provide you with Unlimited Nationwide Service for ONLY $59.99 per month This includes unlimited domestic calls, unlimited text, unlimited data, AND the first month of service is FREE! Sound too good to be true? Well, it's NOT!

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You can find and you can search but why do that when it's right here in front of you. Choose from the best wireless cell phone plans provided and that which meets your needs and a very easy and simple process will take you through each and every step so at the end you have the wireless cell phone plan that is best for you and the option of getting the phone that suits your needs.

It does not have to be hard and it does not have to be costly but it should be as easy as humanly possible for you to find the best wireless cell phone and plan that are exact for you. I have seen plenty of people who are seeking a great wireless cell phone plan but had to spend hours jumping through hoops.

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What Is A Reverse Mortgage?

You may have heard your friends and family talking reverse mortgages. There have also been a lot of television commercials offering information about reverse mortgages and reverse mortgage companies. Yet, with all of this talk going on about FHA insured reverse mortgages and what they mean to you, what exactly is a reverse mortgage?

A reversed mortgage is designed specifically for homeowners who are age 62 and older. Through this product, you can receive loan money from your home in the form of a lump sum, regular monthly checks or a line of credit. The money is typically repaid with interest when you sell your house, permanently move away, or pass away.
Reverse mortgages are getting to be more and more common these days. Why? Reverse mortgage loan advances are not taxable, and generally don’t affect your Social Security or Medicare benefits. You retain the title to your home, and you don’t have to make monthly repayments. The loan must be repaid when the last surviving borrower dies, sells the home, or no longer lives in the home as a principal residence. Unlike a regular mortgage, the homeowner makes no payments and all interest is added to the lien on the property.
There are three types of reverse mortgages:
• Single-purpose reverse mortgages, offered by some state and local government agencies and nonprofit organizations
• Federally-insured reverse mortgages, known as Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs) and backed by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
• Proprietary reverse mortgages, private loans that are backed by the companies that develop them.
Single-purpose reverse mortgages are the least expensive option. They are not available everywhere and can be used for only one purpose, which is specified by the government or nonprofit lender. For example, the lender might say the loan may be used only to pay for home repairs, improvements, or property taxes. Most homeowners with low or moderate income can qualify for these loans.
An FHA insured home equity conversion mortgage (HECM) and proprietary reverse mortgages are sometimes more expensive than traditional home loans. That’s important to consider, especially if you plan to stay in your home for just a short time or borrow a small amount. HECM reverses are widely available, have no income or medical requirements, and can be used for any purpose.

Reverse mortgages pay you in a variety of ways. You can receive a lump-sum, periodic payments, a line of credit, or some type of combination. Lump Sum is the easiest. You get the loan balance all at once. Do with it what you will, yet there won’t be more for you tomorrow. If you sign up for a periodic payment plan, you’ll get regular payments. These payments might last for a number of years (10 years, for example), or until your loan comes due (often as a result of your death or your permanently moving out of the home).
If you don’t know exactly how much you’ll spend or how soon you’ll need it, a line of credit may make sense. Some reverse mortgage lines of credit are “growing” lines of credit meaning you may have more and more money available to you as time goes on. Not bad. Can’t decide? You can use a combination of the programs above. For example, you might take a smaller lump sum up front and keep a line of credit for later. This may be a reasonable approach if you need to pay off existing debt with a portion of your reverse mortgage loan.
Reverse mortgages have helped hundreds of thousands of homeowners improve their quality of life in retirement. A Reverse Mortgage can help you retire more comfortably. It can provide you with money when you need it most. No Monthly Mortgage Payments, Easy Qualification, Tax-Free Money and No cash needed for closing costs. Can it get any better? If you’d like to find out how much money you qualify for and if you’re eligible, give us a call at  (800)630-0650 .
Tim Jacobs
Golden Years Mortgage Solutions
Your Money…When You Need It
Tim Jacobs @ Golden Years Mortgage Solutions  (800)630-0650 Golden Years Mortgage Solutions is a reverse mortgage approved FHA Lender. We’ve helped thousands of senior homeowners solve their financial problems. Our agents and brokers collectively have over 60 years of experience in Reverse Mortgage Loans and general financial services, including managers who are industry pioneers with more than 12 years of reverse mortgage experience. Our dedication to providing financial solutions for seniors is evidenced by the number of referrals that come from our existing clients.

Home Equity Line of Credit

To borrow a sum of money against your equity is popularly known as home equity line of credit. Home equity line of credit loans are a form of credit using one's home as collateral. Unlike home equity loans in which a homeowner receives a one-time lump sum of money, home equity lines of credit involve an approved credit limit that homeowners borrow money from. More and more financial lenders are offering a home equity line of credit. What is a home equity line of credit? The simplest definition is that it is a type of credit line that allows the property owner to obtain a loan using his home as collateral.

Since for most consumers homes are the largest asset they own, a home equity line of credit is used mainly for major expenditures such as home improvements and renovations, education, medical bills and others. A home equity line of credit is becoming more popular as property values climb, and consumers find out how they can manage their personal debt more efficiently.

How does a home equity line of credit work? A home equity line of credit uses the equity in your home as collateral for your loan. If you are planning to apply for a home equity line of credit, it is best to consult an expert in the field, so that you can discuss it in full detail. Lenders who offer home equity credit lines will be eager to explain every aspect to help you understand it and make the best decision.. Study thoroughly the credit agreement, as well as the terms and conditions of various plans. Take note of the annual percentage rate or APR, as well as other particulars.

If you are in need of money, Equity Line Of Credit might be a good solution to find a credit. First of all, they offer you big cash at comparatively low interest rates. But at the same time equity credit line takes your home as security. This step by the financial companies may put your home at risk. If you are unable to refinance within the specified time, you might end up losing your home. At the same time, home equity line of credit offers you easy access to money at times of need. So incase you are confused and cannot decide if home equity line of credit will benefit you in the long run, it is recommended that you consult a financial adviser before applying for a home equity line credit.


Forex Online Trading is Revolutionizing the Market

Forex Online TradingForex online trading has had an absolutely massive impact in how we think about trading currencies. This revolution has been brought about by a number of technological and societal developments. Between 2007 and 2010 Forex trading grew by 20%. Considering that currency trading has existed in one form or another for over a hundred years this is a phenomenal increase and warrants a corresponding level of attention.

So why the big increase?

The first thing to consider is the rapid improvement of information technology that has come to define the post 2000 communications landscape. The ubiquity of capable hardware and high speed internet connections mean that the average person now has all the tools to participate in Forex trading as well as a constantly updated source of information on which to base their trades. As such Forex online trading has made it possible for a whole generation of newcomers to enter the market and discover it's dynamics without ever having to leave their own home. Many such traders manage trading with another profession without compromising performance.

Another big factor has been the emergence of online trading platforms such as Metatrader 4. These applications have made Forex online trading more accessible in a number of ways. First of all they offer a range of language options and easy to use interfaces that have helped improve communication and efficiency between wide ranging territories.

Another major development introduced by such applications has been the popularization of algorithmic trading. Algorithmic trading involves the use of ‘Electronic Advisors' that are programmed to watch out for certain market conditions that the trader believes are likely to occur and to suggest and even make trades when such circumstances come about. In the last few years traders have become more proficient at designing and utilizing such algorithms resulting in a massive increase in popularity. As of 2010 it is estimated that approximately... Read the complete article here Forex Online Trading

Tradeview Forex was founded on a very simple principle: No Compromises. Tradeview Forex provides top level service with top quality trading platforms. We believe in providing the absolute best service in the industry, which means 24 hour trade support and streamlined administrative procedures to ensure your needs are met with speed and accuracy. We also strive to provide leading edge trading technology so that you have a clear view of the market.


Asbestos in the Home - What are the Risks?

It is not always easy to tell whether a product contains asbestos as modern asbestos-free materials often look similar - remember it is usually older products that contain asbestos.  Common places where asbestos could be found include:

  • Asbestos cement - cement roofs, wall cladding, downpipes and gutters, cement flues.
  • Floor tiles, textiles and composites - textiles in fuse boxes, old fire blankets, heat resistant gloves.  Composites can be toilet cisterns/seats and bath panels, window sills, bath panels.
  • Textured and sprayed coatings
  • Roofing felt
  • Asbestos Insulating Board (AIB) - commonly used as fireproofing material and also partition walls, fireproofing panels in fire doors, lift shaft linings, ceiling tiles, soffits, panels below windows.
  • Lagging and insulation - in or on heating systems such as round boilers, tanks or calorifiers and around pipework.
  • Loose fill asbestos - in between cavity walls, under floorboards and in loft spaces.

What are the risks?

When asbestos materials age or become damaged they can release fibres into the air. These can be breathed deep into the lungs where they may stay for a long time, causing possible damage. Some people are exposed to low amounts of asbestos present in the atmosphere with no ill effects.

However when very high levels of asbestos fibres are inhaled there is a risk of developing serious lung diseases including pleural thickening, asbestosis and Mesothelioma. The symptoms of these diseases can often take between 20-40 years after exposure to materialise.

What should I do if I suspect there is asbestos in my home?


The general rule is to leave asbestos undisturbed. DIY work may result in brief but high levels of exposure to dangerous asbestos fibres. Asbestos is usually safe unless it is damaged or disturbed - for example by removing, drilling, sawing, scrubbing or sanding.  If you believe you have asbestos materials in your home, extra care should be taken when undertaking any DIY. We would advise anyone against attempting to carry out work involving sprayed asbestos, lagging or insulating boards as this should always be undertaken by a licensed asbestos removal contractor.

  • Avoid creating asbestos dust
  • Avoid breathing asbestos dust
  • Asbestos materials in good condition should be left alone
  • Take extra care when undertaking DIY
  • Dispose of asbestos properly
If you would prefer to have asbestos materials in your house removed by regulated specialist removers (and this should always be the case when dealing with pipe lagging, sprayed asbestos or loose fibrous insulation) then there are companies who will undertake such work.


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